Rezekne Academy of Technologies
June 15, 2023 – June 16, 2023
The aim of this conference is to provide the platform for researchers to share the knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the following disciplines: Enviroment and Resources, Information Technologies, Engineering Sciences and Production Technologies, and Engineering Education, etc.
We invite authors to submit abstracts and full original scientific papers which are NOT submitted/published under consideration anywhere in other conferences or journals.
Starting from the year 2005 the collected Conference papers are indexed in the SCOPUS database.
The online conference proceedings are available at ETR Conference proceedings
Participation in the conference is possible both in person and remotely.
Call for Papers (October 14, 2022 - March 27, 2023)
International seminar "Perspectives and challenges of the hemp industry"
2023.gada 16.jūnijā
Starptautiskais seminārs “Kaņepju nozares perspektīvas un izaicinājumi" (projekta Nr. 18-00-A01612-000026 “Inovatīvi risinājumi industriālo kaņepju apstrādē un pārstrādē” ietvaros).
International seminar "Perspectives and challenges of the hemp industry" Rural Support Service project ‘Innovative solutions for the treatment and processing of industrial hemp’. No. 18-00-A01612-000026
More information: https://conferences.rta.lv/index.php/ETR/ETR2023
Programm: https://conferences.rta.lv/public/conferences/4/schedConfs/18/program-en_US.pdf
Rezekne Academy of Technologies
June 15, 2023 – June 16, 2023
The aim of this conference is to provide the platform for researchers to share the knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the following disciplines: Enviroment and Resources, Information Technologies, Engineering Sciences and Production Technologies, and Engineering Education, etc.
We invite authors to submit abstracts and full original scientific papers which are NOT submitted/published under consideration anywhere in other conferences or journals.
Starting from the year 2005 the collected Conference papers are indexed in the SCOPUS database.
The online conference proceedings are available at ETR Conference proceedings
Participation in the conference is possible both in person and remotely.
Call for Papers (October 14, 2022 - March 27, 2023)
International seminar "Perspectives and challenges of the hemp industry"
2023.gada 16.jūnijā
Starptautiskais seminārs “Kaņepju nozares perspektīvas un izaicinājumi" (projekta Nr. 18-00-A01612-000026 “Inovatīvi risinājumi industriālo kaņepju apstrādē un pārstrādē” ietvaros).
International seminar "Perspectives and challenges of the hemp industry" Rural Support Service project ‘Innovative solutions for the treatment and processing of industrial hemp’. No. 18-00-A01612-000026
More information: https://conferences.rta.lv/index.php/ETR/ETR2023
Programm: https://conferences.rta.lv/public/conferences/4/schedConfs/18/program-en_US.pdf

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